Hey Leaders! Let’s Stop Calling Them Soft Skills

You feel confident in your résumé. You have the right letters behind your name and have the years of experience and impressive titles. You can recite the best practices and important acronyms by heart. You know your stuff! Basically, you’ve mastered all the necessary hard skills for your industry. But that’s not enough. To be…

More Than Trusted Business Advisors: We’re Part Of Your Team

Trusted Business Advisors, Valuable Team Members   Executive coaches, corporate advisors, business consultants—there are so many words floating around out there. But what do these people ACTUALLY do for you, your colleagues, and your business? At Nexecute, we’re more than trusted business advisors—we’re part of your team. We can empathize with your struggles because we’ve…

The Transformational Leadership Difference

What Does It Mean To Be A Leader? It’s likely every organization—and every person for that matter—has a different definition of leadership. The dictionary definition of leadership is pretty straightforward: “the action of leading a group of people or an organization.” But HOW someone leads makes the difference between success and failure. Here at Nexecute,…

Nexecute’s Take on BHAGs

It’s no secret we enjoy learning at Nexecute. When it comes to knowledge, we’re human sponges—in classrooms, in boardrooms, and in books. We’re perpetually reading and recommending literature to improve professional acumen. In the business world, there are a handful of titles—and authors—you’ll hear again and again. Jim Collins is one of those authors. He…

A Courageous Leader Does What’s Necessary

In this series, we proposed that being courageous is an essential characteristic of leaders. We covered the importance of facing reality and speaking the truth. However, possibly the most difficult task of them all is to actually do what must be done. Courageous leaders take action! Too often we slip into thinking someone else will…