Not Everyone Wants to Transform: A Fable

Joyce comes to work on time and for the most part completes her tasks according to spec. She seems willing to do a little extra and seems to smile but you just sense there is something more. You can’t put your finger on it. She offers to give up some of her hours to another…

The Quest for the Holy Grail

At the risk of offending my high school history teachers, I don’t remember anything about studying the Holy Grail. My first recollection was the humorous rendering of Monty Python and the Holy Grail; crusaders singing of spam and bridge keepers who held the key to passage (“the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow”). History tells…

Finding Your Best Fit

In an interview with Business Insider, Google Executive Ivy Ross discussed how she created a diverse, eclectic career by only accepting jobs after asking herself two key questions: “What am I going to learn?” and “Are they going to use me for what I do best?” While these questions are great guidance for job seekers…

Building Healthy, Functioning Teams

By: Patrick Davidson, General Manager, Orchid Chelsea and Orchid Memphis Many of the divisions at Orchid have been working on developing better intrapersonal and interpersonal communication and team health over the last few years.  We work with an outside coach, Mark Freier, from Nexecute – a company built to help organizations grow on both the…