Who’s Watching the Margins?

The current economic status of most organizations and households has given a new perspective on the importance of margins. Barely a week goes by when a conversation doesn’t include some reference to how all of us are managing the new reality of lower margins. Therefore, we measure the margins, control the margins, manage the margins,…

Transformation: It’s Counter-Inuitive

Tricia is an active administrative assistant with a desire to accomplish tasks and bring excellence to the organization. As a mother and grandmother she has journeyed through life long enough that she now finds herself more secure in her womanhood and in her support role. That doesn’t mean that she is stuck in mindless routines….

Spend More Time Being Interested Than Being Interesting

Aware that some of your most recent conversations with people have been a bit one-sided you entered the break area. At first blush the conversation between two people in the middle of room looked engaging. You positioned yourself within earshot of your co-workers. Talk was accentuated with bits of laughter. There weren’t the obvious signs…

Is Your Culture Open or Closed?

A sales professional was telling me recently about her work environment, which was fast becoming negative because of restructuring due to the economy. Searching for ways to explain what was happening she said, “Before we were open – sharing, conversing, bouncing ideas off each other. And then things changed. It’s like we shut down. The…