Flawless Execution Makes a Successful Business

Let’s say you’ve created a brilliant business plan with the great characteristics we’ve talked so much about and lots of goals to help make sure you stay on track. Not only that, you have developed excellent, forward-thinking leaders and you have put together the right team who can carry out said plan.

You’ve got all the pieces of a very complicated and delicate puzzle. What’s next? Execution. Unfortunately, this is where a lot of businesses tend to freeze. Let’s examine why execution fails. We find that it could happen because of any one or more of the following reasons.


Why Execution Fails

  1. Planning Becomes an “Event”

Most businesses tend to stop at the planning phase. They get excited about what’s to come and then forget to keep focusing on the priorities. The result is that every day work and issues get in the way. If the planning process becomes an “event,” it’s not revisited until just before the next major planning meeting where everyone scrambles in the last minute to get done as much as possible. In that scenario, people may be very busy in the day-to-day, yet be unproductive in accomplishing the long-term goals.

  1. Too Much Planning

Contrary to “event based planning,” some leaders will instead fall into the trap of over-planning. As we’ve mentioned, leaders tend to spend most of their time looking towards the future. In doing so, they could be tempted to drive toward some sort of perfection and, in the process, forget to execute. This is where we see “paralysis through analysis.” While it’s true that plans must be flexible and dynamic to accommodate changes, leaders must take action. Decisions must be made. They need to go with what they know, adjusting along the way. This can be unsettling for some leaders. They can’t just sit around deliberating forever. We only move forward through action.

  1. Lack of Accountability

Many times, a plan won’t succeed simply because there is no one designated to take ownership of it. Without a clear owner, people point fingers at each other and wonder why a plan didn’t work. Worse, team members may wait on others to take action. At that point, we might as well have skipped the planning phase altogether. A plan is dependent on accountability; someone has to hold others accountable. This person drives the team forward, making sure that the plan is properly executed and that goals are met at a reasonable time.

  1. Return to What’s Comfortable

Comfort zones are real. Changing processes and implementing anything new or different is difficult. That’s no secret. What’s also not surprising is how easy it is for a team to fall back into what they know. If it’s safe and familiar, people are much more likely to revert to what they know rather than take a risk or put more effort into learning new tasks or developing new habits. Encourage your team to find a new groove within the new processes. It may take time and effort, but don’t give up!


What you need to Execute

The good news is that you already have most of the tools (if you’ve been following our blog posts). In case you need a refresher, ingredients of good execution are:

  1. A strategic, actionable, accountable plan
  2. Trackable, realistic goals
  3. Innovative, inspiring leaders
  4. A team that is aligned with the business goals and processes


In a perfect world, leaders will align their team to execute the plan that has been put in place and reach those goals that are set. But the business world is rarely perfect. We should expect fallbacks and roadblocks. This is where Transformational Leaders can shine. They have the awareness and wherewithal to move the plan forward with the right processes, resisting the temptation to fall back to the old processes just because it’s “safer” or “easier” or even just more comfortable.

If you feel that your company is still getting caught up in doing the same ole’ same ole’, then maybe it’s time to reach out to a business advisor to make sure your new plans are executed.

At Nexecute, we are willing to do just that. In fact, we go above and beyond. We’re more than just business consultants, we’re trusted advisors. We become a part of your business, and use specific processes of our own to help you reach your potential.

Go through all the reasons on Why You Need Trusted Business Consultants:

Read the First Reason – Strategic Planning

Read the Second Reason – Goal Setting

Read the Third Reason – Leadership Development

Read the Fourth Reason – Team Alignment